Compositor: César L. Miguel
Your toes are so fixed
Your toes are so fixed
That I can't put my fingers between they
And your footfloor is so heavy
Your footfloor is so heavy
That makes my wish to give you a massage go away
But I still give you the footmassage anyway
But I still adore you
And I still want you
But you insists in keeping me
Without an answer
This winter is so heavy
This winter is so damn cold
And now I'm so lonely
And when I get to bed alone
I think about you
Or maybe someone else
It's just something that I can't control
I just miss something to hug
Someone to call my own
Your hand is so, so big
Your hand is even bigger than mine
And I'm so lonely now
I remember the time when we were one
You filled every space
Any space at all
You had a shine that was contagious
You were a flashlight
You shone like the sun
You could be my sun